UX/UI Design
Redesign of a lifestyle app for productivity. LifeCycle keeps track of your time and shows you your daily activities, places you go, and who you spend time with.
My Role
UX/UI Design
My Team
Genevieve Puglissi
Ceci Acosta
Destiny Dureke
4 months
Figma, Miro,
After Effects
Navigating modern life is overwhelming and people need help feeling like they are in control. The original LifeCycle app was not equipped to give users actionable resources based on the insights it was gathering.
LifeCycle is your daily companion helping you to gain insights about your day and learn skills to maintain healthy habits. To better communicate this goal, I introduce three new features that enhance the functionality of the app.
Process Highlights
The Health Nut
Tomash Devenshiek | 26
The Tech Addict
Nha Nguyen | 18
The Hyperaware
Karamyn Nkenglack | 20
User Personas & Empathy Interviews
We targeted 17-35 year olds who live in suburban or city areas, who want to strengthen their lifestyle and structure in terms, of habits, time, and health. After conducting interviews with this target market, we developed personas that reflected our findings. The key insight guiding our problem-solving was: most people are aware of the changes they need to make to lead a better life, but they lack the skills and resources to achieve it.
Most people are aware of the changes they
need to make to lead a better life, but they
lack the skills and resources to achieve it.
Affinity Mapping
Our interviews discovered insights about our subjects’ habits and struggles. We then organized data into overlapping categories through affinity mapping.
Journey Map
We created journey maps to understand how each user problem shows up in daily life to find the opportunities to solve them.
POV Statements
Tomash Devenshiek is a single cardiologist who needs to learn to meal prep
consistently because he is too preoccupied with work to remember to eat.
Nha Nguyen is a college student who needs to prioritize his physical health,
including quitting smoking, but he is discouraged because of his overwhelming
schedule and peer pressure.
Karamyn Nkenglack is a college student with lots of responsibilities who
needs to practice positive motivational habits because her busy schedule
can cause her to neglect herself and cause low self-esteem.
How Might We?
& Solutions
How might we help people
focus and remember to eat?
Scan & Learn
Use the new ingredient scanner to create recipes
from what is already in your home.
How might we make quitting
bad habits like a game?
Track & Visualize
Answer check-in questions to evaluate your
progress and stay motivated to reach your goals.
How might we make positive
thoughts come naturally?
Affirm & Journal
Practice affirmation exercises and share
encouraging notes with your friends.
Design & Development
01. Nutrition
This feature helps you learn how to
eat more consistently and fiscally.
02. Habits
Habits can either make or break you. This
feature helps you track your progress and
stay motivated to quit unhealthy habits.
03. Affirm
Use this feature to connect with yourself
through journaling and affirmation exercises.
04. Personalized Dashboard
See an overview of how your time is spent
and upcoming reminders on the homepage.
Design Statement
We want the user to have a deeper understanding of and control over their life. This starts with creating an atmosphere that can inspire and comfort them.
Caregiver 89%
Innocent 11%
Design Principles
Speak to the user like a human and design with comfort in mind.
Each section is designed as part of a larger system.
Create color coding and navigation systems that are seamless.
Keeping people of different needs and backgrounds in mind.
Design System Summary
Users are easily overwhelmed by information and need
streamlined and simplistic experiences. They respond to
design that is human and inviting.
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