An Open Letter to Hollywood
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A platform to source opinions from audience members and creatives about what they want to change in the film industry.
My Role
Art Direction
UI Design
My Team
Solo Project
1 month
Figma, Premiere,
After Effects
General audience members and creatives in the film industry feel unheard by Hollywood, especially when it comes to creativity and originality in film.
Develop a microsite and social media campaign critiquing Hollywood with the purpose to educate and persuade people to share their thoughts in a communal space, giving them strength in numbers.
Process Highlights
Research & Empathy Interviews
Film students and film historians were interviewed and surveyed to discover their perceptions of remake culture and creativity/originality in filmmaking. Conversations quickly turned to critiquing the entirety of Hollywood, which included:
Read the thesis paper here.
The research prompted these questions...
What happened to the passion and creativity in Hollywood (and was it ever really there)?
Does Hollywood listen to its audience?
What do the audience and creatives have to say about Hollywood?
Big Idea
Hollywood doesn't truly listen to its audiences, and many creatives, as well as individuals interested in film, don't feel their voices are being heard.
How Might We?
& Solutions
How might we send a
message to Hollywood?
Create a website that elevates people’s voices in a
central place, validating them with similar feelings,
How might we continue
the conversation?
User Submissions
Prompt visitors of the site to submit their own
thoughts and feelings.
How might we give the
project significant reach?
Social Media
Share more information on the abuses of
Hollywood, as well as call the viewer to action.
Design & Development
An Open Letter to Hollywood
Sound bytes from interviews
For further education and inspiration, the site features some works by other artists that aim to critique Hollywood.
03. Social Media
The project also extends its reach to Instagram, where information on the abuses of Hollywood can be found, as well as more user submitted opinions.
Artwork post
Article post
Quote posts
Visit the published site here

or the Instagram page here!
Aspects of Hollywood have improved over the years, however
this does not exempt the industry from further critique. I aim to
continue the conversation around filmmaking as a respected
art, and grow the platform I’ve created with engaging
and impactful content.
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